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šŸ’ø How YC teaches founders to build pitch decks

The do's and don'ts of how to make a kick ass seed round pitch deck

Hey, this is Napkin Notes: the Booster Juice of startup newsletters ā€” but instead of serving you a Tropi-Kale, we just mix together a cup of memes, a Tablespoon of tech and a dash of frameworksšŸ„¤ 

Todayā€™s deep dive is allllllll about making the perfect pitch deck for your seed round.

And it comes at the perfect time because weā€™re still accepting pitches for the Sam Parr and Ryan Holmes event.

So if youā€™ve never learned how to make a proper pitch deck, youā€™re in luck. todayā€™s the day to do it.

You see, Steph Curryā€™s coach wouldnā€™t let him shoot 3-pointers if he couldnā€™t score a lay-up.

So weā€™re not gonna let you even think about build a unicorn company until you prove you can build a kick-ass pitch deck blindfolded. Ya, you heard us.

Sound fair?

Then letā€™s get to it.

šŸ“° Latest News:

Weā€™re hosting an AMA with Maven Co-founder Wes Kao March 15th. Sign up here. 

  • Sheā€™s raised $25M+,

  • cofounded startups with Seth Godin

  • and grown her personal newsletter to 250K+ subs.

You can either learn from her or keep your boring meeting schedule that day. Itā€™s your call.

In Other News: Binance launched a perfume. Musk and Vinod Khosla are duking it out on Twitter. a16z is weeks away from closing $7B. The Apple-Epic saga took a turn. Gold prices hit a record high. PwC stripped some partners of leadership. Seeing SXSW LinkedIn posts is giving you FOMO. And Spring break is around the corner.

Now letā€™s get down to business šŸ„

šŸ’ø How to build the perfect pitch deck

Instead of making things long and wordy, they dumb it down to the basics, which we love.

Hereā€™s the 7 points they swear by:

  1. Title Page: state your company name and provide a brief one-line description of what you do. Keep it concise and impactful.

  2. Problem Statement: articulate the problem you're solving and highlight its real-world impact on people or businesses.

  3. Solution: explain your solution in as few words as possible, focusing on the concrete benefits you provide.

  4. Traction: showcase any traction you've achieved with clear and meaningful numbers, providing context if necessary.

  5. Unique Insights and Team: share what makes your approach special and why your team is well-suited to tackle the problem. Emphasize the founders' expertise rather than advisors.

  6. Business Model and Market Opportunity: Lay out your business model and the size of the market opportunity, convincing investors of the potential for significant returns.

  7. Funding Needs and Milestones: state how much funding you need and what it will be used for. Outline milestones that will make you Series A-ready within a year.

And if you want slide template inspo, you can reference their site. Heck, you may wanna even hit the favourite button on that URL.

But to sum up their advice:

  • keep the deck design simple

  • focus on the content and narrative over elaborate visuals

  • show traction

  • outline milestones you wanna hit in a year

And Batta bing, batta boom.

Thatā€™s the YC guide.

And if you want a 2nd comparable, grab Shaan Puriā€™s template.

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