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  • šŸŽ¤ Pitch Your Startup Idea to Sam from MFM and Ryan from Hootsuite

šŸŽ¤ Pitch Your Startup Idea to Sam from MFM and Ryan from Hootsuite

We ain't pulling your leg. They want to hear your big idea and may even put cash into the top 3 they like

Hey, weā€™re hanging out with Sam and Ryan on March 19th for a pitch event. You game to join?

If you have other commitments that day, we totally get it cancel them and get ready for the Super Bowl of startup events šŸˆ

Because itā€™s not every day you get to pitch two legends that could drop an angel check into your startup.

Sam Parr scaled his My First Million podcast from the ā€œnobody caring about itā€ level to the ā€œmillions of listeners per monthā€ level.

Ryan Holmes scaled his little idea of a social media dashboard into a tool called Hootsuite.com used by millions of people around the world

Bottom line: you wanna get to know those these two folks.

And what better way to show off your chops than to pitch them your big idea?

  • Maybe you get a check? šŸ’ø

  • Maybe you get some feedback? šŸ™

  • And just maybe you get a shoutout in the next MFM pod? šŸ¤Æ

Either way - if you wanna pitch your startup idea to Sam and Ryan on March 19th, fill out this application to let us know šŸ—³

Thereā€™s only one catch.

If youā€™ve got plans with your cousin for lunch that day and you miss the pitch event, donā€™t come crying to us 3 months later asking for the recording.

Cuz you ainā€™t gonna get it.

So go sign up and make the most of it founders.

And In case youā€™re new, this is Napkin Notes: the only newsletter that knows how f***ing valuable foundersā€™ time is and that our biggest competitors for your attention are TikTok, Netflix and your Aura Ring telling you to get 8 hrs of sleep.

If a friend passed you this newsletter, thank them with a $10 Venmo and subscribe below so you donā€™t miss the next one.

Now letā€™s get to some startup ideas.

šŸ¾ Startup Ideas of the Week

Upvote, comment or re-share the ideas that catch your eye.

Got your own startup idea you wanna share? Quit stalling and step up to the mic.

šŸ—“ Events to Watch Out For

Weā€™re inviting 4 VCs to each put forward a portfolio company raising a Series A for a battle royale pitch-off. Should be a vibe and a half. If youā€™re an angel investor, VC or pitch enthusiast wanting to see how itā€™s done, youā€™re gonna wanna charge your airpods and be there.

Wanna pitch your startup idea to Sam and Ryan? Wanna hear tips on how to scale your newsletter or personal brand? This is your moment. RSVP and let the universe work its magic.

We had close to 600 RSVPs at our AMA with Ryan Holmes and Arlene Dickinson. If you wanna see a highlight recap, head to our IG page.

šŸ–¼ Swipes of the Week

Reply and tell us which oneā€™s your fav

šŸ’š The Kernal Fam

P.S. Word of mouth is king. Click below to win 7 years of good karma for your startup idea.


or to participate.