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  • 🤝 Missed Wednesday's Event? You Can Still Write a Check...

🤝 Missed Wednesday's Event? You Can Still Write a Check...

Hey, this is Napkin Notes: the only newsletter with punch lines so witty it made these 4 serious investors laugh on the same video call.

Real talk though: we were amazed to see so many of you pull through last Wednesday to watch our pitch event with Andrew, Ryan, Michele and Peter.

And ICYMI, there’s still time to invest in the startups a-sync by reviewing the deal pages.

Seeing all of you online 48 hours ago got us so fired up. Even when:

  • inflation’s high

  • your work schedule’s busy AF

  • and your Netflix queue is calling your name

You still made time to join. And for that, we’re dead grateful đź’š 

If you had some fires to put out on Wednesday, we get it. The good news is, you can still:

Some highlights from the event:

  • Hearing Andrew Wilkinson say “all of these pitches were startups that he’d want a piece of”

  • Seeing Michele Romanow tune into the investor panel from Argentina

  • Watching Ryan Holmes word his founder questions to truly understand their customer acquisition playbook

  • Listening to Peter Pham explain the unique business model behind Mindset Care that’ll make it take off

But if you’d rather watch the full 1 hour event than listen to our commentary, we won’t hold it against you.

In fact, we even made a little Instagram highlight reel if you want a trailer.

The event was awsome, but TBH, we’re already dreaming up our next one.

If you a VC/Angel Investor who’d wanna be on our next panel, hit us up with an email.

To Recap:

Want a re-fresh on the pitches from the day?

Pitch 1: Max From Blossom (Fintech)

Denzil From SmartyAI (Productivity & AI)

Darren From Mindset (HealthTech)

If you are a founder who wants to pitch or a VC/angel who wants to be on our panel? We wanna meet you.

Check out our events tab for the upcoming dates and email [email protected] on our team to inquire about an event slot.

đź–Ľ Swipe of the Week

There’s a reason everyone loves Saturdays:

đź’š The Kernal Fam

P.S. If you are a founder / VC who wants to speak at our next demo day email [email protected] to shoot your shot


or to participate.