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Marc Andreessen Favourite Productivity Hacks

Happy Friday Friends,

Welcome back to Napkin Notes: the only startup newsletter Olympians check in between press conferences.

Since Kernal Research & Co told us 82% of you are on vacation this week, we’re keeping today’s info light and fun.

After all, there are only a few more weeks of August. So you should be over-indexing on getting more sunshine and less laptop.

Let’s get to the goods.

📰 Our Menu For Today

Side note: Know a good AI founder, sponsor, or investor panellist? We wanna meet them for our next event. Email [email protected] to make an intro 👋

🎥 Our Latest Video Drop

As a founder, it’s hard to spin up high-quality videos. But the truth is they help a ton.

For our Kernal videos, we team up with ChopShop. They’re an AI video technology startup that helps be a perfect blend of:

  • brand strategist,

  • content producer,

  • editor and

  • performance marketer

If you need help with your videos like we did, use code KERNAL to save 20% on your first project. Just hit the button below to chat with ChopShop.

🌱 Productivity Hacks From the King of VC

Marc Andreessen founded a VC firm called Andreessen Horowitz.

Wondering if you can trust his advice? Today his firm ranks as 1st on the list of venture capital firms by assets under management, with $42 billion. So he knows a thing or two.

Here’s some of the personal productivity systems he swears by

  1. Don't keep a schedule: Avoid committing to future appointments, allowing you to work on what's most important or interesting at any time.

  2. Use only three lists: To-do List, Watch List, and Later List. Categorize tasks accordingly.

  3. Prepare a 3x5 index card each night with 3-5 important tasks for the next day.

  4. Use an Anti-Todo List: Write down accomplishments throughout the day for motivation.

  5. Practice Structured Procrastination: Use the tendency to procrastinate to complete other tasks.

  6. Employ Strategic Incompetence: Avoid unwanted tasks by appearing incompetent at them.

  7. Check email only twice a day: Reduce distractions and improve focus.

  8. Process email efficiently: Empty your inbox, use action subfolders, and maintain only three main folders (Pending, Review, Vault).

  9. Don't answer the phone: Let calls go to voicemail and batch return calls.

  10. Use headphones to avoid interruptions: People are less likely to disturb you.

  11. Start the day with a sit-down breakfast: Fuel your body and prepare mentally for the day.

  12. Only commit to new tasks when both your head and heart say yes.

  13. Do something you love: Focus on your core interests and dreams.

P.S. Speaking of raising from VCs, want access to a database of 400 angel investors? We thought so. Just tap below. We can’t take credit. Send a DM to Ben Lang who compiled the list.

🥁 Next Pitch Event: August 29th

👀 Swipes of the Week

Have an amazing weekend friends.

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