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  • 🔗 Free Folder of Goal Templates to Crush 2024

🔗 Free Folder of Goal Templates to Crush 2024

Today's deep dive take less than 3:52 minutes to skim

Hey, this is Napkin Notes: the only newsletter you follow that knows you’re busy as hell in December and just want a folder of free goal-setting guides so you can get back to finishing EOY accounting and drinking cocktails at holiday parties 🎅 

So that’s what we did.

We teamed up with Barack and gave readers something they’d love 🔗

Now that the cat’s outta the bag, let’s hit our starting lineup.

🍽 Today’s Line-Up

  •  📰 News recap

  • 🔗 Free folder of goal-setting templates for 2024

  • 🎙 Submit a startup idea to earn 1% equity in a venture

  • ☕️ Swipes of the week

 📰 News Recap

Latest news: Ryan Reynolds and Steve Carell are collab’ing on a 2024 film. Instagram dropped a new AI tool. Tesla revealed its latest humanoid robot. Netflix tried a Spotify-wrapped attempt. Forum's Venture Studio is giving away 1% of equity for a good startup idea you send them. And you only have 10 more days to buy your niece that gift you promised her. 😅 

Now let’s hit the goods.

🔗 Need a 2024 Goal-Setting Template?

Let’s be honest for a second.

You want to set some goals next week to crush your startup dreams in 2024 but you’re too busy to scour the internet to find the best template.

We get you. We’ve been there. So we want to toss you a bone.

We put together a folder of a dozen templates, books and goodies you can steal. No strings attached.

All you gotta do is click below.

The only thing we ask in return is if you find something in there you love, give your Kernal fam an email to let us know it was helpful.

🦄 Forum Ventures Wants to Give You 1% Equity For Your Startup Idea. You In?

Forum's Venture Studio is getting wild this holiday season. Their only ask is that submit your startup idea.

If they pick your idea, you get 1% equity in the Tech Unicorn their team builds. That means:

  • an experienced founder,

  • engineers,

  • a marketing team,

  • and $250K go into your vision.

You just sit back and watch that equity grow 🌱 

Seems like a no-brainer to us.

Tap that button below to pay for your kid’s college tuition.

💰 Wanna Invest with Tier 1 VC Firms?

It’s easy-peasy, lemon squeezy. All you have to do is click here.

☕️ Swipes of the Week

Have an awesome weekend.

💚 The Kernal Fam

P.S. don’t forget to grab your free goal setting folder


or to participate.