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  • šŸ§Ø Clever Idea the OnDeck Founder Wants You to Build

šŸ§Ø Clever Idea the OnDeck Founder Wants You to Build

Get the background, market validation and GTM plan to make it happen

Hey Founders,

ā˜•ļø Welcome back to our Friday newsletter: the deepest dive on startup ideas that doesnā€™t require a scuba mask šŸ¤æ

šŸ“° Latest tech news: Adobe's new Generative fill tool is hype. Metaā€™s done another round of layoffs. Googleā€™s CEO is spinning up an AI pact. Dua Lipa dropped a new jam. Times are tough for VCā€™s fundraising. Itā€™s the last Friday of May. And you still havenā€™t booked that patio reservation for Sunday night.

šŸ¤« Some Kernal Gossip: Weā€™re mixing up our newsletter today so hold onto your horses. Itā€™s not because we went 3 whiskies deep last night. Itā€™s because we wanna dig more into:

  • the nitty-griddy of big ideas

  • the data validation on why theyā€™re valuable to solve

  • and the GTM plan you can steal to make them successful

If you like the new style, reply at the end and say ā€œcool beansā€. If you hate it, let out some cortisol and reply with ā€œmiss the old stuffā€.

Letā€™s rigidity-roll šŸŽ¶

āœØ Partner of the Week: ncScale

Meet ncScale: the software that gives founders visibility over all their no-code tools. No-code is fun, but managing your workflows are difficult. nScale fixes that. Whether you're using bubble, airtable, zapier, or a combo of those, you can use ncScale to:

  • document your workflows,

  • manage your no-code stack

  • and secure your apps

Sound up your alley? Smash the box below.

šŸ½ Today's Menu:

  • šŸ”‘ A clever idea the founder of OnDeck wants built

  • šŸ¦ Tweets to back up the startup idea

  • šŸ“ GTM plan if you wanna chase it

šŸ›  The Idea Erik Torenberg Wants Built

Meet Erik Torenberg: a prolific entrepreneur, ideator and investor. Some things you probably know about him are:

  • he co-founded On Deck (Series A led by Founders Fund)

  • invests in smart founders with Village Global

  • has a pretty good Twitter game

Letā€™s open a few more chrome tabs on facts you likely donā€™t know about Erik:

  • 1st employee at Product Hunt and wanted to work with Ryan Hoover when it was just a side project

  • Co-founded Village Global in 2017 with Ben Casnocha which is a $270m early-stage fund focused on IT/SaaS

  • The fund is backed by word class names like Zuckerberg, Bezos and Gates, Sara Blakely and Reid Hoffman

  • His first personal angel deals were Scale AI ($7B), Rappi, ($5B) Lattice ($3B), and Nurx ($1B).

  • Heā€™s a freestyle rap enthusiast and saw it as a way to build his confidence when he was younger

Now you probably wanna meet him for coffee. Well, weā€™ve got the perfect alley-oop. Help him with his startup ideašŸ‘‡

As you can imagine, Erikā€™s probably reference-checking folks lateeeee into the night:

  • heā€™s reference-checking talent to hire at On Deck

  • heā€™s reference-checking founders to back at Village Global

  • and heā€™s reference checking 100s of cold emails, Twitter DMs he gets after speaking on a podcast etc

Solution: ā€œreference checks as a serviceā€

And Erikā€™s not just talking a big game. Heā€™s game to toss some $$ behind this.

Eyebrows raised? Keep scrolling.

Hereā€™s a few riffs that prove Erik could be onto something:

  • ā€œGLG for peopleā€

  • ā€œTegus for referencesā€

  • ā€œSearchlight data as a serviceā€

  • ā€œThe Org for character referencesā€

Auren (GP of a $200m firm) is even on board to see an MVP šŸ’ø

More peeps that love the idea:

Questions the builder should validate:

  • Would people actually give detailed references for money?

  • Is the end product for talent hires or qualifying founders to back?

  • Should the data marketplace be private or public?

  • Whatā€™s the amount of time/$$ youā€™d save a company th this service?

Some similar ideas have stirred up attention:

šŸ¦ Tweets to Back Up the Idea

We did a walk down Twitter lane and found lots of smart investors, founders and product geeks that share a similar pain for reference checking. Give them a skim.

And tell us thereā€™s not a hell of a golden opportunity in the world of reference-checking šŸ’ø

GTM Napkin Notes on How To Build This:

  • Build a landing page on Yep.so lining out the strategy

  • Claim this Kernal idea and tweet it out to see whoā€™d pay for it

  • Spin up a Google sheet list of potential customers (funds, recruiter firms, folks named in this newsletter), share it with a few highly connected folks to get their input

  • Whip up a list of top reference givers (VPs of HR, People & Ops etc)

  • Develop an incentivization ladder around # of quality references given

  • Spin up a list of 50 top-class reference checks Qā€™s (steal Amanadaā€™s)

Got a better plan?

Leave a comment on the idea.

Weā€™d love to hear how you would build this startup idea.

If youā€™re reallyyy sold on Erikā€™s big idea reply to this newsletter and weā€™ll forward your contact info to Erik.

Heā€™s looking for a builder and said we could spread the word for him.

šŸ’š The Kernal Fam

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