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  • 🔑 Charlie Munger Jumped on the Mic

🔑 Charlie Munger Jumped on the Mic

Today's gems take less than 3 minutes to skim

Hey, this is Napkin Notes: we tell you which brands are broke and which ideas are dope, so you can pounce on opportunities faster than C-Munger đź’Ş 

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Enough blabbering, let’s get to the goods.

Our Newsletter Menu

  • đź“° News recap

  • 🍿 Deals you missed from LOI Demo Day

  • 🎧 Hot takes from Charlie Munger’s only podcast in 99 years

  • đź—“ More demo days coming up

  • đź“· Laugh of the week

đź“° News You Missed:

WeWork rebranded to WeBroke. Bumble’s Whitney Herd handed over the CEO baton to Lidiane Jones. Microsoft’s on pace for $3T. Charlie Munger dropped the only podcast he’s done in his entire life. OpenAI hosted its first developer conference. LOI Demo Day hit 1,000+ RSVPs on Tuesday. You still haven’t cleaned up your Halloween decorations. And your e-commerce pals are stressin’ about Black Friday plans.

Let’s dive in.

đź’° Deals You Missed from LOI Demo Day

A couple of days ago, we hosted a demo day for 5 startups from LOI. And my oh my, was it a doozie. In all the best kinda ways:

  • 1,000 RSVPs flowed in

  • Some deals became oversubscribed

  • And you 4 days to swipe through the deals if you’re curious

With each of the 5 founders having their startups listed on Kernal, we were able to connect interested investors right to them mid-pitch. 🤩

Like the photo below, you can see how easy it easy for VCs/angel investors to reserve an allocation amount and request an intro to chat deeper with a founder.

Which to our knowledge, doesn’t exist anywhere else on demo day platforms across the interwebs. 💸

Why you should care:

Now let’s hand the mic to one of the greats.

🎧 Hot Takes from Charlie Munger’s Podcast

Earlier this week, Charlie Munger (aka Warren Buffet’s partner in crime) spilled some wisdom on a podcast. The 3 reasons this statement is crazy is because:

  • this is the only podcast he’s done in his entire life of 99 years

  • he turns 100 on Janurary 1st

  • it’s freely available to anyone who wants to listen

Over dinner at his Los Angeles home, Charlie shared about his life, work and lessons learned with nearly a 50-year partnership with Warren Buffett at Berkshire Hathaway.

Since You’re Busy, Here’s 3 Gems from Charlie Munger’s Podcast:

  • Costco Wisdom: Charlie Munger owns a $100m position in Costco. When asked about what made the brand (currently worth $250B) so successful, he said:

“Well, it takes a lot of good execution to do it. You really have to set out to do it and then do it with enthusiasm every day, every week, every year for 40 years. It’s not so damned easy. So you think success is the magic of the business model and culture? Yes. Culture plus model. Yes, absolutely. And very reliable, hardworking, determined execution for 40 years.“

  • Advice for betting big: the hosts David and Ben asked Charlie about what advice he has for investors on finding great investments. But our Kernal team believes the same advice applies to founders trying to hunt down great opportunities.

“You may find it five years after you bought know these things may work into it or your own understanding may get better, but when you know you have an edge, you should bet heavily. You know, you’re right. And most people don’t teach that in business school. It’s insane. Of course you got to bet heavily on your best bets.”

  • Top traits for scaling? What does it take to build Berkshire from scratch today (current valuation $757B)?

– Intelligence

– Work very hard

– Be very lucky

Wanna listen to the full thing this weekend? Be our guest and dive in.

📆 More Demo Days Coming Up

Want to save your seat for our next demo day?

🍷 Thought of the Week

Now go have an awesome weekend friends.

đź’š The Kernal Fam


or to participate.