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  • šŸŽ¶ AI, Please Donā€™t Stop the Music

šŸŽ¶ AI, Please Donā€™t Stop the Music

Pat Walls scaled StarterStory to 1.4m monthly visitors. Here's a look inside how he thinks.

Hey Founders,

ā˜•ļø Welcome back to the Kernal newsletter: your weekly aux chord of startup ideas that keeps your head bobbinā€™ and mind jogginā€™ šŸ”Œ

šŸ“° Latest news: AI gave Drake a run for his money. Grimes offered a 50/50 royalty split on AI-generated hits. AutoGPTā€™s all the craze. Lex Fridman strummed his guitar in a self-driving car. Metaā€™s bringing AI agents to the masses. Twitter purged non-paid blue checkmarks. Netflix is gonna drop $2.5B into Korean content. 48% of US voters support a TikTok ban. Itā€™s almost May and you stilllllllll havenā€™t shipped an MVP of your startup idea. Seriously, fam. Get on it. šŸ”„

And if you actually wanna test the AI X Drake song a fan spun up, hereā€™s the Spotify link to listen while you skim todayā€™s newsletter šŸŽ¶

āœØ Partner of the Week: Miro

Meet our pals at Miro. Theyā€™re building the worldā€™s best tool for teams to collaborate all under one hood. If you havenā€™t used it, read the stats:

  • Theyā€™re trusted by 50M+ users,

  • Loved by 99% of the Fortune 100 brands,

  • and have 1,000 ideation templates ready to use upon sign-up

Since youā€™re a Kernal member you can get $1,000 in credits by clicking here.

Sounds lame? No sweat. Pat from StarterStory is also offering readers a deal. Grab 30% off your StarterStory membership by Clicking here.

But if Miroā€™s more your thing, tap below.

šŸ½ Today's Menu:

  • ā˜•ļø Behind the Mind of Pat Walls, Founder of StarterStory

  • šŸ’” Startup ideas sweeter than your Grandmaā€™s blueberry buckle

  • šŸ¦ Tweets thatā€™ll stop your scroll

Enough appies, letā€™s jump to the main course. šŸ„©

ā˜•ļø Behind the Mind of Pat Walls

If you didnā€™t already know, weā€™re hosting an AMA with Pat Walls today. As we expected, itā€™s already drummed up dozens of likes and comments. So if you havenā€™t chimed in with your question, go do that now.

In case you havenā€™t heard of Pat Walls, our handy dandy interns did some digging into his highest-performing tweets. Why?

Because your Fam at Kernal wanted to give you a behind-the-scenes look at how Pat Walls thinks, moves and pounces as a founder.

You see, Pat is a one-person team thatā€™s:

  • built StarterStory.com 

  • grown it to 1.6 million monthly visitors

  • $800,000 in revenue

  • 130,000 email subscriber list

  • and 350,000 social media audience

Heā€™s been at his journey for 5 years and has learned a ton along the way.

So letā€™s take to the Twitterverse to show you how he thinks.

Creating vs Opinionating

šŸ“Œ Are you over-indexing on opinions or creating these days?

The Critics vs the Fans

šŸ“Œ Every chapter of the founder journey has its critics. When you hear one of these voices, replace it with ā€œkeep going, keep goingā€.

Feedback > Failure

šŸ“Œ You can only evaluate what gets measured. We love seeing how Pat evaluated (literally with tooth and nail) the timeline, project and outcome of all the startups heā€™s tried to build.

Back of napkin math to run a $1M/year business

šŸ“Œ ā€œShow me your credit card, and Iā€™ll show you your runwayā€

Nothing at all, then all at once

šŸ“Œ Powerful to see his salary increase year by year. But if he didnā€™t make the 2015 drop to $0/mo heā€™d never get to the $62K/mo in 2022.

Luck or Practice?

 šŸ“Œ Neat to see a heat map of all the days he contributed to a startup project when nobody cared about it.

We hope these visuals get you amped up. And if they donā€™t, we hope it gave you a ā€œrealerā€ look at what it takes someone to go from a comfy 9-5 job tinkering away at a coffee shop to running their own $1m/year online business.

If these Tweets left you wanting more, go ask your dream question to Pat Walls while you still can.

If you like what Pat is building, heā€™s offering 30% off for our newsletter readers to become StarterStory members. Click here to learn more.

āœØFresh Startup IdeasāœØ  

  • Anna saw enough traction on Kernal she published on ProductHunt

  • Her Website looks slick and easy to navigate: kradl.io 

  • After users fill out a short survey they can expect to start seeing personalized podcasts tailored to their preference

Up-vote or comment on Annaā€™s idea below to get involved šŸ‘‡

Some feature ideas could be:

  • Automatically extract pitch decks from your email, computer folders, CRM tools and website

  • Looks at the date of creation and modification. Tells you how new or out-of-date the deck is

  • Analyzes all the text and puts the startup in a category. Suggests other decks in the same category for me to compare against

Think Zainā€™s startup idea has legs? Tap the button below to get involved.

  • Elaine thinks thereā€™s a ripe opportunity waiting to use the new ChatGPT model to create highly personalized daily horoscopes and provide quality astrological guidance through interactive chat functionality.

  • Blake loved the idea so he spun up an MVP

  • Try it out here

If youā€™re raising your eyebrows, tap below to get involved.

Got a startup idea of your own? Letā€™s see what you got.

Tap the button below and get rolling already šŸš€

šŸŽ Goodies From our Inbox

šŸ¦ Tweets Thatā€™ll Stop Your Scroll

Enough tweets. Go have an awesome weekend.

And thanks for reading till the end.

šŸ’š The Kernal Fam

P.S. If you laughed, cried or learned something uniquely new today, share the good news with a friend and tap that button below. You win cool stuff every time you spread the word.

Loved the newsletter more than your wedding day? Let the truth out below. We wonā€™t tell your spouse.

Rank today's newsletter šŸ‘‡

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