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  • 😮‍💨 YC's Highest Revenue Startups and Traits They Share

😮‍💨 YC's Highest Revenue Startups and Traits They Share

This is a list you'll wanna keep a tab of

Hey, this is Napkin Notes: Ellen calls us the “old-fashioned drink” of startup newsletters. Why? Cuz we serve it simple and we serve it neat. And founders keep coming back every Friday since we bring the heat 🥃

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📰 Latest Startup News:

TikTok’s in hot water. Drake/Kendrick have beef. Robinhood crushed its Q1 earnings. And Google DeepMind debuted AlphaFold. My First Million launched a fitness challenge. BeeHiiv raised $33m. Starlink is donating 1,000 terminals to Rio Grande do Sul. Canada got hit with some tough capital gains proposals. And you still haven’t planned what you’re doing this Saturday. So get to it.

Now let’s get to the goods.

📌 Top YC Companies by Revenue

Fact #1: YC has funded over 5,000 startups since 2005,

Fact #2: many become household names

Surprise Fact #3: YC just shared their top companies list ranked by the highest revenue and it’s open for all of you to browse

And we noticed a few cool things on the list that may spark your interest. They’re all traits you can size up against your own startup

  • For context, the total revenue generated by these companies in 2023 was $57.2B, so they’re a big deal

  • The vast majority (over 90%) were founded by 2 or more co-founders.

  • The companies on this list are collectively valued at $458B

  • Sectors represented:

    • B2B software and services (52%)

    • Consumer (23%)

    • Financial technology and services (19%)

    • Healthcare (2%)

    • Bio and industrials (2%)

    • Real estate and construction (2%)

  • Over 50% are headquartered in the Bay Area.

  • The companies that are new to the Top Revenue list this year:

    • Clipboard Health - Connects healthcare facilities with nurses nearby

    • Honeylove - Innovative shapewear

    • Meesho - Democratizing internet commerce in India

    • Odeko - Operations software for running and growing your cafe

    • Razorpay - India’s full-stack financial solution for businesses

    • Zepto - 10-minute grocery delivery in India

Wanna nerd out on the whole list? Tap below amigo.

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