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  • šŸ˜ Screw the Strategies, Have Some Laughs

šŸ˜ Screw the Strategies, Have Some Laughs

We're all sick and tired of long newsletters. Here's a fun summer laughs to scroll through at the lake.

ā˜•ļø Welcome back to Napkin Notes: the startup newsletter that tosses our playbook in the garbage when we feel like sending you memes instead of strategies b/c youā€™re all sun tanning this week ā˜€ļø

You heard us right. Weā€™re doing a good olā€™ summer shake-up.

Why? Because itā€™s the dead middle of August and 85% of you are:

  • Lounging on a boat

  • Sitting by the lake

  • or drinking on patios

So why in the world should we slave away on writing a 2,000-word startup deep dive when we know that?

You know, my old Uncle Jim always used to say ā€œplay dumb games, win dumb prizesā€. It always stuck with me.

So today, weā€™re gonna get ahead of the summer curve, trash our fancy shmancy article plans and send you 20 spicy memes instead. Sound like a fair plan?


Just donā€™t tell our CEO, heā€™s still on maternity leaveā€¦

Hereā€™s to sending you a few good laughs wherever you are in the world this weekend.

So buckle down, get comfy, and get scrolling.

And if you love the platter of memes, reply at the end to tell us

  • A) which one was your fav and

  • B) where youā€™re reading this from

Letā€™s get to it.

ā˜€ļø Summer Smiles

Hot Takes

Startup Lyfe

World Economy Updates

If you arenā€™t sailing on a boat, drinking on a patio or tossing a frisbee on the beach and wanna post a startup idea, go ahead and hit that button below.

Loved the memes? Make a friendā€™s day and share this post with them so they can join the cool kidsā€™ group chat.

šŸ’š The Kernal Fam

P.S. If you do want something interesting to read this week, check out this blog that lists all the top Paul Graham essays by ranking.


or to participate.